
A Summary of “Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman

A Summary of “Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman The intelligence tests were originally designed to screen the candidates with higher level of mental alertness. It is another debate whether intelligence equates to the IQ scores but it is a fact that majority of the successful people score average on IQ tests. Mental alertness may play some role but it is not the main reason of success, in most of the cases. Then what are requirements for a successful life? People have been trying to answer this question for centuries. A lot has been said and much more shall be told in future. Daniel Goleman presented “Emotional Intelligence” as a main factor of success. He rejected the conventional concepts of intelligence, IQ scoring reliability and alertness of mind as elements of success. He argued that self-control, zeal and persistence are the main features of every successful story. This summary of “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman is an attempt to review his ideas. H...

The Compound Effect Summary

The Compound Effect By Darren Hardy – Top 10 Ideas The Compound Effect by  Darren Hardy  is an amazing small personal development book packed with wisdom and Big Ideas. Read on to find the most valuable content from the book. 1. SUCCESS AND FAILURE ARE THE RESULTS OF THE SMALL CHOICES WE MAKE EVERY DAY The compound effect states that the only real secret of success is making the right decision, over and over again,  for a long period of time.  The right decision most of the time doesn’t look appealing, at least when you are first starting. Watching Game of Thrones instead of writing this article is way easier but is not the right choice if I want to be successful. Our habits are built by what we repeatedly do. If you are going to project yourself into the future, five years from now, taking the actions that you are currently taking, where will you be? Are you happy with your answer? If not,  you need to change the small actions that you a...

The Power Of Habit Summary

The Power of Habit Summary Written by Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Charles Duhigg, 2012 New York Times bestseller  The Power of Habit  boasts a ubiquity on recommended book lists that few works from the past few years can match. Because some books age like wine, and some like milk, I usually let books alone a little longer to see how time will judge their value, but the truths and techniques within these pages are too valuable to wait. The Power of Habit  recounts a number of useful illustrations of the role of habits in individuals, organizations, and societies, and follows up with practical techniques to recognize and consciously direct the things that really control our behavior and our results. The power of habit is the ability to automate willpower, turning a painfully scarce resource into an infinite one. Put this book’s subject matter into practice, and the change in your results will be profound. Part One: The Habits of Individuals ...