A Summary of “Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman
A Summary of “Emotional Intelligence” By Daniel Goleman The intelligence tests were originally designed to screen the candidates with higher level of mental alertness. It is another debate whether intelligence equates to the IQ scores but it is a fact that majority of the successful people score average on IQ tests. Mental alertness may play some role but it is not the main reason of success, in most of the cases. Then what are requirements for a successful life? People have been trying to answer this question for centuries. A lot has been said and much more shall be told in future. Daniel Goleman presented “Emotional Intelligence” as a main factor of success. He rejected the conventional concepts of intelligence, IQ scoring reliability and alertness of mind as elements of success. He argued that self-control, zeal and persistence are the main features of every successful story. This summary of “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman is an attempt to review his ideas. H...